

I´m running Demigod in windowed mode, maximized. Each time I want to minimize Demigod and maximize it again, Demigod just disappears without a warning.

The same issue appears, when I want to change the resolution used by Demigod.


on Apr 25, 2009

Just setup a quick  single player skirmish and immediately tried  minimizing and maximing but I could not get the game to exit out/crash. Nowhere to put a Dxdiag atm but I am using an 8800GT and it looks like you are using a HD 4800 so maybe the problem lies with ATI or that specific card. Hopefully more people can chime in.

on Apr 25, 2009

I am able to alt tab hit windows key so on, game doesn't crash for me I have been doing it alot since I started playing. nvidia 7600gs. I have noticed though that alt tabbing or hitting the windows key seems not to be accepted all the time, sometimes I have to hit it 2 or 3 times before it responds.

on Apr 25, 2009

Yes, I have an ATI 4850.

I finally got the resolution set to non windowed. It doesn´t disappear now, but I don´t like playing with focus on Demigod.

on Apr 25, 2009

ah windowed mode sorry I always play in full screen, I didn't read fully your post . I'll test it later tonight to see if windowed mode is a problem for me also.

on Apr 30, 2009

Ok guys, this is getting very annoying. It´s just crashing all the time on minimize. Doesn´t matter if I´m running on fullscreen/windowed mode. Appeared with the last "great" update btw. Really great piece of software you released there *applause pls*

on Apr 30, 2009

I agree the latest patch is very unstable for crashes I have noticed crashes when connecting to multiplayer games and minimizing or alt tabing game while in full screen.

before latest patch i only crashed when trying to place oak flag over and over and having collision problems.

on May 01, 2009

Ok, I didn´t manage to change the resolution of Demigod ingame without a crash to desktop, so I edited the game.prefs.

I´m now running in windowed mode again. But I´m not able to resize the window without a crash of Demigod. Any tips?